Local time: Fri 12 Jun 2020 05:40
White House Products Ltd - Hydraulic Pump Supplier


Buyers Beware of Fake and Counterfeit Hydraulic Components and Parts

In recent years, the number of fake and counterfeit hydraulic components and parts has increased. Part of the cause of the increase is due to more people shopping online. It is easy to assume a website looks real and offers original and authentic hydraulic system parts.
buyer beware, article text in newspaper

Yet, what you end up buying is a cheap imitation of the real thing. That is if you are lucky enough to even receive your order. Many of these websites are fake. You think you are getting a great deal on authentic parts. Instead, you get your credit card or debit card charged, the so-called “seller” takes your money, and you never receive your parts.

If you do get your parts, they will be substandard. They will not be to spec, meaning they might not even fit or function correctly. Who is to stay the internal workings of hydraulic pumps and motors will even operate once connected?

When you obtain fake hydraulic components and parts and use them, one of the biggest issues is you are shortening the lifespan of your hydraulic equipment. These parts cannot meet rigorous demands. In some cases, they may even be used parts that were cleaned up and sold as new.
Alastair MacMillan

Our objective is not to scare you but make you more aware of this growing issue. We recommend you work with reputable suppliers of hydraulic system parts, motors, and related components—like White House Products, Ltd.

We have been in business for over three decades, and we have built a reputation as one of the leading distributors of hydraulic parts and components in the U.K. and around the globe. We offer access to authentic and original hydraulic motors, pumps, parts, and other components you need. Feel free to browse our inventories online or give us a call at +44 (0) 1475 742500 for further assistance today!

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